Protect and preserve your industrial facilities with durable, professional painting services.
Your Industrial project deserves expert attention. Protect your Industrial project with the preventative coatings and maintenance delivered by Kinyon Painting.
Industrial structures need maintenance to perform at their best – and keep accidents from happening. Kinyon Construction Inc. Painting division has been a leading expert in industrial painting and sandblasting in the California, Hawaii, & Nevada areas for over 25 years. We know industrial – and we bring our expertise to you, on time and on budget.
We settle for nothing less than top-notch quality in our work. Our strong work ethic and attention-to-detail results in an exceptional finished industrial project.
Cristy Roque2024-09-18 Kinyon Painting is in the process of painting one of my relatives houses in Santa Maria and their professional painters are very professional and very courteous I highly recommend Kinyon Painting